🐣Basic syntax

Function arguments and return types

Argument list

In Snowball, you can define function arguments using the following syntax:

func function_name(name: type) {
    // Function body

For example, let's consider a function called hello that takes a single argument x of type i32 (32-bit integer). The syntax for defining such a function with an argument in Snowball would be:

func hello(x: i32, y: f32) {
    // Function body

Within the function body, you can access and use the argument x as needed to perform operations or calculations. Remember to provide the appropriate data type when invoking the hello function and passing values for the argument.

Using the syntax mentioned above, you can define functions with different arguments in Snowball, allowing for flexible and modular code development.

Return types

In Snowball, you can specify the return type of a function using the following syntax:

func function_name() return_type {
    // Function body
    // Return statement

Using the syntax mentioned above, you can define functions with different return types in Snowball, allowing you to perform computations and provide results based on your program's requirements.

Voided functions

To declare a function as void, there's no need to declare void type, just can not put anything:

func no_returns(a: i32, b: f32) {
    // tada!

Last updated

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